
Showing posts from 2010

A free lesson plan

Are you interested in a free lesson plan? A professional I greatly admire (and who I take pride in being friends with) has just developed the following class plan: Please send her some feedback when you´ve finished the lesson. Thanks a lot!


Oops, the last was not the nicest one... This one too is something! It´s a bank of websites separated into topics for English learners! Worth bookmarking!

Visual dictionary

Yes, Twitter has been doing the job for me. Every night, when I open my twitter, I get all the important information on the topics of my interest that were on the web throughout the day. And the nicest ones, well, I pass them on to you! The last one was a Visual Dictionary . Incredible. You can search for words in many different ways: typing the key word, browsing through the category, or even by looking for a certain image! Enjoy it!

The best websites for English language learners - quoting Larry Ferlazzo

The nice thing about having a blog is that you can organize your ideas, select what´s best for your readers (my students, in my case), and share other people´s ideas. Larry Ferlazzo is well-known among the web 2.0 community, when it comes to English teaching. He has a blog (Websites of the Day) where he posts really interesting material. If you´re lazy enough to resist browsing through it, just take a look at the post whose title was mentioned above, and be ready to learn a bit more. Fantastic post! Thank you, Larry!

Aviation English Teachers

Are you an English teacher? Are you willing to know a bit more on Aviation English? Here´s the blog I created to share ideas with Aviation English teachers. See you there! Malila

Using Webnote

Another tool my professor at PUC (take a look at and genre based English tasks ) showed us: WEBNOTE This link will lead you to a trial I´ve been working on. Enjoy it, too!

Corpus of Contemporary American English

Read WHERE SHOULD I START before you begin exploring this tool. Corpus of Contemporary American English

Speaking tool for Advanced Learners of English

I´m taking a course at PUC, and one of my classmates recommended this website. It IS fantastic!!! Take a look - Splendid Speaking . Hope you enjoy it! Malila

Why homework?

Lots of students complain about having to do homework, but what really surprises me is that they DEMAND their teachers to assign homework! Crazy people? Definitely! But here´s a brief explanation on homework - Hope you like it!